Zumba dan Kukuwa Pioneer Indonesia
The 1st Male Zumba Instructor In Indonesia and 1st Pole Athelete Indonesia. As a professional performer, dancer and choreographer he've been teaching and traveling all over the globe for dancing as well as giving dance workshop accross Indonesia for over ten years. He loves theater dance Jazz, lyrical, Contemporer, hip hop basicly all type of dance specially latin. He dances for love and express his self with passion, happiness and sadness through dance. Stage is his life and through dance he can make people smile and forget all their stress, he make their life become more meaningful.
- 1st ACE (American Council of Exercise) Certified Group Exercise Leader in Indonesia
- 1st Training with Tanya Bearsdley September 2009, Asia Fitness Convention 2009
- 1st Male Instructor Zumba Instructor 2009 in Indonesia
- 1st Launched Zumba Fitness in Jakarta, January 2010 at Golds Gym Indonesia
- 1st Indonesia Instructor Attended Zumba Fitness Convention in Orlando 2011
- 1st Marketing Agent and hosting instructor training for Zumba Fitness in Indonesia
- 1st Hosted Zumba B1 Instructor Training & Master Class in Jakarta, Indonesia with MARIA TERESA STONE (ZES)
- 1st Hosted Zumba Jammer for Master Class with AILEE SYARIEF (ZJ)
- 1st Hosted Zumba Master class with MICHAEL THOMAS (ZES)
- 1st Hosted Zumbatomic Training in Asia with MARIA TERESA STONE (ZES)
- 1st Hosted ZIN JAMM session in Indonesia with LISA MARIE (ZJ)
- 1st Place solo HIP HOP competition Paris 2009
- 1st Fitness Idol Asia at Asia Fitness Convention 2012
- 2nd Hosted Zumba B1 Instructor Training & Master Class in Jakarta, Indonesia with MARIA TERESA STONE (ZES)
- 2nd Hosted Zumba Jammer Master Classes with LISA MARIE (ZJ)
- 3rd Hosted Zumba B1 and B2 training in Jakarta, Indonesia with DAVID VELEZ (ZES)
- 4th Hosting Zumba B1 training & Master Class in Jakarta, Indonesia with CAROLINA ARIAS (ZES)
Testimoni produk-produk Colantotte dari Indonesia
Hadjar Seti Adji
Head of Jakarta PT. PP PERSERO
Ir. Hadjar Seti Adji, MEngSc.
“COLANTOTTE keeps me Fit and Active to endure my Hard-Energy consuming activities!”
Both reputable and successful in his career building public facilities and housing, Mr. Hadjar Seti Adji has became part of the Indonesian Colantotte Fans and has shared to people around him how Colantotte has made him a better player in Golf and helped his Active Life.
Hadjar Seti Adji , is the Branch Manager of the Jakarta Region for one of the biggest construction companies in Indonesia, PT. PP (Persero) Tbk. This company is one of the most reputable construction companies in the country having built some of the most outstanding buildings in Indonesia.
He is well known as a national speaker including the International Speaker for Green Building and Green Construction topics within Indonesia and also the South East Asian Region. He has received many awards for Green Construction implementation both in Indonesia and South East Asia competitions.
He is also well known as a National Motivator for various audiences in Indonesia, including the Indonesian Army as Hadjar prepares them to face special heavy duties.
He is a consistent middle handicap Golf Player who enjoys both the physical and mental challenges of the game.
Anne J. Coto
Anne J. Cotto
“Colantotte has helped me to be stronger in my shooting days! I can wear it in formal events or sports activities, It's so Sportive yet Super Stylish!”
Anne J. Cotto is one of the most recognizable celebrities in Indonesia. She began h1er career in the Miss Indonesia Competition 1995 and now she is in many Indonesia Big movies, TV shows, talk shows, modelling in top Indonesian Magazines, TV and corporate advertisements.
Anne is a very active person, she likes all the adrenalin sports and that’s why she uses Colantotte to support her super active life since 2013 and become the Colantotte face for Indonesia in 2014.
In 2013 she has full shooting everyday the whole year, she start very early in the morning and finish over midnite. She used to get a lot of flu and cough because of those non stop working but she notice that she is alot stronger now and obviously Colantotte has help giving her the physical enhancement. She always wear the Colantotte Magtitan Tiamo Bracelett eversince, during her daily activities, formal or in sports, you can see it in her every shows on TV and when she is in big screen movies.
Alexander Valentino
Colantotte keep my energy and focus in all my activities.
Alexander Valentino is my name and I was 14 years old, I’m still in junior high school.
My USGA handicap now is 1,4. Last year I win Best Gross Overall at Pondok Indah International Tournament.
I started to learning play golf since 2,5 years old, my first tournament when I was 7 years old.
First win the junior golf tournament at Pondok Cabe and at 8 years old I already got my first title as Champion Indonesia Junior Master 2008 and also got Blue Jacket as symbol like Tiger Wood have green jacket.
Until now I already got around 60 podium and a lot of trophy from approx 90 round of golf tournament, beside golf I’m also good in my school and still top 5 in a rank.
Alexander Valentino
Thomi Azizan Mahbub
Thomi Azizan Mahbub
Nama : Thomi Azizan Mahbub
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir : Malang, 22 Oktober 1994
Peringkat Nasional : 12
Peringkat Dunia : 133
- Winner Djarum Sirnas Banten 2012 (Tunggal Dewasa Putra)
- Winner Djarum Sirnas Pangkal Pinang 2011
- Winner Djarum Sirnas Jawa Tengah 2011
- Winner Djarum Sirnas Jakarta 2011
- Winner Kejurda Jawa Tengah 2009
- Winner Sirnas Jakarta 2009
- Winner Arena Open Cirebon 2009
- Winner Arena Open Cirebon 2009 (Ganda Putra
- Finalis Sirnas Jakarta 2010
- Finalis Sirnas Jawa Barat 2009
- Finalis Sleman Open 2008
- Finalis Ekshibisi Semarang 2009
- Semifinalis di USM Flypower International Series 2015 (Tunggal Dewasa Putra)
- Semifinalis di Flypower Singles Open Tournament (Tunggal Dewasa Putra)
- Semifinalis Dutch Junior 2012 (Tunggal Putra)
- Semifinalis Walikota Surabaya Cup 2014 (Tunggal Dewasa Putra)
- Semifinalis Pertamina Open 2013 (Tunggal Dewasa Putra)
- Semifinalis di Djarum Sirnas Sulawesi Open (Tunggal Dewasa Putra)
- Semifinalis Pertamina Open V 2011 (Tunggal Putra)
- Semifinalis Djarum Sirnas Jawa Barat 2011 (Ganda Putra)
- Semifinalis Sirnas Palangkaraya 2011
- Semifinalis Kejurprov Jateng 2010
- Semifinalis Walikota Surabaya Cup
- Semifinalis Sirnas Makassar 2009
- Semifinalis Sirnas Sinar Mutiara Tegal 2008
- Semifinalis Sirnas Sinar Mutiara Tegal 2007
- Bronze Medal at Asean School Games 2010
- Runner up Djarum Sirnas Jawa Tengah 2013 (Tunggal Dewasa Putra)
- Runner up Kejurnas 2012 (Tunggal Taruna Putra)
- Runner up German Junior 2012 (Tunggal Putra)
- Perempat Final Sirnas Jawa Timur 2010
- Perempat Final Tangkas Alfamart Junior Challenge Open 2010
Andi Reza
Andi Reza
Andi Reza Refiandi (Reza) is both a Personal Trainer and Conditional Coach at Celebrity Fitness , one of the most prestigous and largest fitness clubs in Jakarta
Reza's family originate from Makassar and that is where Reza feels he belongs, near the ocean, surrounded by family. Reza's father is from South Sulawesi and his tribe is renowned for being strong at will and strong at heart and this is where Reza gets his determination.
At 29 years of age Reza is a passionate activist, fighting with the various tobacco control organizations, such as National Commission on Tobacco Control, Smoke Free Agents and some universities trying to prevent kids from smoking and to educate people the dangers of passive smoking. Working with the government, Reza tries to put more smoke free zones in place and to try to outlaw the advertising of tobacco-based products.
Colantotte Indonesia is very proud to have Reza as part of our team - Reza has also recently been shown on National TV Channels and he is currently wearing the Tao Vega Necklace and X1 Elbow Supporter as he is Boxing in the club.
Ayie Permatasari
Ayie Permatasari
Has been practicing Yoga since 2008, and ever since then, she came to believe that Yoga is the art of self-movement that brought a lot of improvement to her body.
Taking a decision to become a Yoga instructor, was to satisfy her passion in sharing the advantage of Yoga to others. Therefore, in order to achieve her desire, she was motivate herself to become a Yoga expertise.
She joined many workshop of Yoga’s Teacher Training, to be acknowledged and authorized as an instructor. Ayie then improve herself by graduated from RYT 200 Hours in 2012, with Koko Yoga from IYS (Indonesian Yoga School). This teacher training has certified her as a yoga teacher by then. Recently, she just accomplished RYT 500 Hours in November 2014, by Denise Payne from One Song Yoga Teacher. Beside those training, Ayie also has accompliserd an Intensive Training Teacher by Olop Arpipi, Triprischore by Edward Clark, Yin Yoga by Sebastian Puchelle, Asthanga class led by Dicky Sulistio, Iyengar class lead by Yuni, etc.
Due to her certification, she runs her own Yoga Studio named Ayoga. She also presents as a Yoga instructor in Aphrodite Studio as well as in Celebrity Fitness Jakarta, and giving a yoga course for individually and company private class.
With all her heart and soul, Ayie will take you to the new experience of self-movement. Be prepare to generate your ability to form a healthy string figure. She will smoothly lead you with range of Yoga movement such as Basic Yoga, Power Yoga, Hatta Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and also Yoga for Kids. Join her class and gain a new comprehension of Yoga... Namaste...